The flowers are beautiful, purple in color and the petals are shaped like a butterfly. But not many people know that this flower that belongs to the Fabaceae family is very healthy for the body. Summarized from the Netmeds.com and Medicinenet.com pages, here are the health benefits of butterfly pea flower:
- Improve Digestion
The high antioxidant content makes the efficacy of the pea flower to facilitate the digestive system. Drinking a cup of butterfly pea tea once or twice a week on an empty stomach can help flush out toxins that have accumulated in the digestive system.
- Improve mood
Furthermore, drinking butterfly pea flower tea is believed to have a stress-relieving effect which also helps reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- Help lose weight
Tea from steeped leaves of butterfly pea flower is free of caffeine and does not contain carbohydrates, fat, and cholesterol. Therefore, the butterfly pea flower brew is an ideal drink for those who are on a diet or losing weight. In addition, the benefits of butterfly pea flower can also clean the intestines from food residue and dirt, and regulate appetite.
- Improve skin health
The flavonoids in the pea flower help stimulate collagen production, helping to develop and maintain skin elasticity. Drinking a cup of warm butterfly pea flower infusion regularly can remove undigested food particles from the digestive system, liver and kidneys. This in turn can cleanse the body from within thus helping to lighten dull skin, remove dark spots and uneven skin tone.
To be able to consume this flower, we can make it a healthy and refreshing drink. Here’s how to make it:
- 2 tbs dried pea flower
- 400 ml of water, bring to a boil
- 6 tbsp sugar syrup
- ice cubes, to taste
- 3 tsp lime juice
How to make:
- In a saucepan, add the peas and water, cook over medium heat until it boils.
- Turn off the heat, let stand for 10 minutes. Strain, let cool.
- Serving: Prepare 2 serving glasses (@ 500 ml volume), pour 3 tablespoons of sugar syrup in each glass.
- Add ice cubes until the glass is full. Pour the butterfly pea flower tea solution into glasses and add 1½ tsp of lime juice to each glass. Serve immediately.
Healthy drink from butterfly pea flowers, ready to drink with friends in hot weather. Enjoy!
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