The powder is both green in color, Moringa powder and matcha even look no different when seen with the eye. Then what the different the two?
Here are the differences.
- Smell of Powder
Moringa leaf powder has a distinctive herbal smell and is more pungent than matcha. If matcha has a fragrant tea smell.
- Solubility in water
Matcha powder gets too easily in water, this is why matcha is widely used for Green Tea Ice drinks, Green Tea Coffee or other green tea drinks. Meanwhile, Moringa leaf powder is generally not sold to be used as a flavor enhancer because basically, Moringa leaf powder is herbal medicine. The solubility level of Moringa leaf powder is coarser than matcha.
- Color of Powder
Actually, if we look closely, the colors of the two look different. If the Moringa leaf powder is dark green in color, while the matcha powder is a light green color.
- Nutritional Content

According to Dr. Ax, Co-founder of Ancient Nutrition, Moringa has a higher fiber content. This fiber is very good for digestion. Moringa is a good source of protein.

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According to Hackbiohacking, Moringa does not contain Caffeine which causes drowsiness. While Matcha has a higher caffeine content than Green Tea, even higher than coffee. Moringa contains higher levels of calcium, iron and potassium, vitamin E than Matcha.
So based on the nutritional content, Moringa is superior to Matcha.
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