Moringa Powder Organic So Coveted World Healthy Food Lovers
Moringa Powder Organic So Coveted World Healthy Food Lovers – For those of you who like healthy food, you may already be familiar with matcha powder and turmeric powder. Both of these powders were once a trend to improve nutrition in food, due to their very high nutritional content. Currently, there is another magic powder that is targeted for lovers of healthy and organic foods, namely moringa powder organic. Does this name feel foreign to your ears? Maybe you will get to know him better by the Latin name Moringa oleifera.
Moringa powder organic made from natural Moringa oleifera leaves made into powder. For the people of Indonesia, Moringa oleifera leaves have long been used as herbal medicine. Even by local people, they often succeeded as an antidote to the evil mystical power. But it turns out in western countries like the USA (United States of America) also began to use a lot of moringa powder organic in every dish, such as soups, cakes, oatmeal, and smoothies.
Moringa Oleifera Leaves, More Than Just A Trend
The process towards new health trends that have not been known or even unknown before has resulted in a variety of products and concepts that are still less effective. But all of that was finally able to convince us to look for all kinds of ways to improve the health of ourselves and the people around us. Still, this is a noble exploration and is needed for humanity. As such, we devote our maximum time, effort, and financial resources into it, hoping we will find the key to our sustainable health, new ways to improve our lifestyles, which can make us healthier, happier, and more resilient.
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The problem here is, the “health trend” is usually just a health “craze,” popular today, and denied the next day. But what if something has been used and proven for generations, and that is something natural and pure? What if it’s more than just a trend? Therefore, we present to you moringa powder organic. Innovations from natural products that actually existed long ago but not so much were ignored.
Research And Benefits Of Moringa Oleifera
Research in 2016 in the American Journal of Hypertension, revealed that moringa powder organic can help lower blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. While research in 2017 in the Journal of Molecular Sciences, it is known that moringa powder organic can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. Not only that, from a 2018 study in the Journal of Functional Foods revealed, but regular consumption of moringa powder organic can also help reduce the risk of diabetes.
The University of Indonesia (UI) and Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) research team has recently conducted research and found a new type of Corona antivirus candidate from Indonesian natural ingredients. These compounds include hesperidin, rhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin. All of these compounds were found to be contained in Moringa oleifera leaves. This research is based on screening results on the activity of hundreds of proteins and thousands of herbal compounds related to the mechanism of action of the virus, then obtained several groups of compounds that have the potential to inhibit and prevent the Covid-19 virus (Coronavirus). If explained in more detail, some of the excellences of Moringa oleifera are:
- Fight Diabetes
Moringa oleifera contains chlorogenic acid which has been proven to help control blood sugar levels and allow cells to take or release glucose as needed. In addition to chlorogenic acid, isothiocyanate compounds contained in Moringa oleifera leaves are also able to provide natural protection against diabetes. Moringa oleifera leaves also have a positive effect on blood glucose control and insulin levels in patients with diabetes.
- Lowering Cholesterol Levels
Moringa oleifera contains various active substances such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins which are proven to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The main mechanism of saponins and tannins in reducing total cholesterol is by preventing excessive absorption of cholesterol and increasing its expenditure from the body. Stable cholesterol levels will also be useful to prevent heart disease such as coronary heart disease caused by cholesterol levels that continue to accumulate and are not controlled.
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- Protect The Heart
The liver is our body is responsible for producing bile, cleanses the blood, metabolizes fat, and fructose sugar. All these tasks can be done well by the liver with the help of its enzymes. Therefore it is very important to manage enzymes in the liver so that they remain at normal levels. Moringa oleifera leaves can keep our hearts from poisoning, damage, and excessive oxidation because they contain a compound called polyphenols. Besides fibrosis and liver damage can also be minimized. Moringa oleifera leaves also contain oils that can normalize liver enzymes, increase the protein content in them, and reduce oxidative stress.
Use Of Moringa Powder Organic In Several Countries In The World
In the Philippines for example, Moringa oleifera leaves are very much utilized as a vegetable and increase the amount of breast milk in nursing mothers. To the point that the leaf is called the mother’s best friend because it contains elements of micronutrients that are needed by pregnant women, such as beta (B3), calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin C. With high nutritional content, Moringa oleifera in the Philippines commonly used as an alternative to improve the nutritional status of pregnant women.
These qualities make Moringa oleifera trees a food candidate to fight malnutrition. Health workers from Church World Service have also used this highly nutritious food to restore and prevent malnutrition. Doctor Lowell Fuglie, representative of the West African Church World Service uses Moringa oleifera as a basic ingredient for nutrition programs in Africa. For children aged 1-3, about 100 grams of fresh Moringa oleifera leaves are sufficient to meet daily calcium needs, 75% iron and half its protein needs, large amounts of potassium, vitamin B, copper, and essential amino acids. Only 20 grams of Moringa oleifera leaves are enough to provide the needs of children with vitamin A and C. “A tablespoon of round (8 g) organic moringa powder organic will meet about 14% protein, 40% of Calcium, and 23% iron. With the same amount of moringa powder organic will meet almost all the needs of vitamin A for children aged 1-3 “Even six tablespoons of moringa powder organic will meet almost all of the iron and calcium needs of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.”
Moringa oleifera is also a source of nutrition for people in Europe who care about healthy living. The people there process moringa powder organic into one of the smoothie ingredients. Seeing the many uses of moringa powder organic proves that it is very important to participate in using this moringa powder organic to maintain health.
For your inquiry about moringa oil/moringa powder :
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Morifa Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +6221-2903 4428
Fax: +6221-2903 4429
Sales Mobile/Whatsapp: +62813 8063 7778
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