Moringa The Magic Plant for Our Earth
In general, Moringa is grown as a hedge and land divider. For special purposes, moringa can function as a windbreak, for soil erosion control, as a living fence, as an ornamental plant, or for intercropping with species that require indirect sunlight. Moringa plants are often used as vine poles for nuts, sweet potatoes, vanilla, pepper and other vines.
Moringa grown from seed has deep roots, forming wide taproots and thick fibers. Taproots do not form on trees propagated by cuttings. With such roots, Moringa has the ability to resist erosion and store water. Hence it is often planted on hillsides to help prevent erosion and landslides. Dry pods and fallen leaves also make the soil surface fertile because over time the leaves will become compost.
Moringa is a plant that can tolerate a variety of environmental conditions, so it is easy to grow even in extreme conditions such as very high temperatures, under shade and can survive in mild snowy areas. Moringa withstands long dry seasons and grows well in areas with annual rainfall ranging from 250 to 1500 mm. Although it prefers dry sandy loam or loamy soils, it can live in clay-dominated soils.
Moringa is suitable for areas where winds are strong and long, drought occurs simultaneously, causing serious soil erosion. The nutritional content in the fallen leaves can fertilize and improve the quality of the marginal soil. This nature of plants is the best choice in efforts to reforest or restore critical land which is poor in nutrients. Famously dry areas where other plants cannot live and function properly, moringa is here to solve these problems. Moringa is also widely grown as an ornamental plant in the yard, as a wind and shade protection.
Moringa is a marginal land plant and grows best in hot, semi-arid tropics and subtropics. The Moringa plant is known as a friendly plant for farmers and is useful from shoot to root. In Pakistan, Moringa is highly recommended for agroforestry and degraded land. As an intercropping plant, Moringa does not have a negative effect on nearby staple plants. Has deep roots and does not compete with plants for nutrients. Moringa helps to increase organic matter in the soil and ultimately soil fertility.
Farmers in rural or suburban areas in Africa can easily produce Moringa leaves both for their own consumption and as an agricultural commodity. Cultivating Moringa creates jobs, low farm costs and can be cultivated organically without using chemicals. Moringa cultivation is a solution for farmers and ranchers who want fast-growing plants, abundant leaf yields, but have limited water sources and maintenance costs. Moringa leaves can be given as animal feed and manure used as organic fertilizer for Moringa plants.
By following these recommendations, moringa plantations can produce abundant leaves throughout the year. Processing is also an activity that generates income for farmers by processing fresh leaves into Moringa leaf powder. Solar drying is very inexpensive, and the method used is efficient to get quality results. The mill does not require special equipment, can be crushed with a pestle and mortar and sieved for perfect results. The fundamental aspects of moringa leaf processing are cleanliness and moisture control to ensure that the leaf powder remains perfectly packed.
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